About Us

Alpha Field Services LLC, (AFS) was born as a direct result of client needs.

While working a large and complex project, the "Client" became increasingly frustrated with the inner workings of, "The Broker." From billing issues that never seemed resolved, to personnel that were assigned based on everything other than ability, It was clear that the old way of doing business was not working.

Managing a project and Contractors from an office wasn't getting the most "bang for the buck!" It was time for a change.

As Field Managers, fed up with being handed contractors hired from resumes, "good ole boy networks" and folks with no motivation,

We decided to do something different.

Prodded along by a couple of Clients, and the desire to actually face the real issues in the Industry, We took our 30+ years of experience, and formed AFS.

Our Management is in the field, working. Hands on and in the trenches with the Landowners and the Contractors. This model reduces our overhead and increases productivity, saving You money and time.

At AFS, we have been involved in all aspects of field services for the oil and gas industry. Most recently, we have been involved in a billion dollar fractionation facilities project, including land, surface and easement acquisition.

Our personnel have been responsible for property acquisition, pipeline right of way, property damage settlements and construction monitoring. In addition, we have worked directly with the Client in a "Field Supervision" role, to insure Contractors and Inspectors are fulfilling their responsibilities.

Working directly with Governmental agencies, Subcontractors, Land owners and Other Energy partners to insure project completion, We have the experience required to bring your project to a successful conclusion.

Give us a try, and we will impress you.

Our business depends on it!

